Pascal Ackermann

Pascal Berlin Burlesque

Pascal has a diploma in Circus Arts (CPIT) and is also a certified rigger and indoor pyro technician.

Having worked on the stage now for over 15 years, Pascal has performed for many well established companies throughout New Zealand, including: The Lyttelton/Loons Circus Theatre Company (LCTC), World Of Wearable Art, The World Buskers Festival Christchurch, and Wellingtons Fuse Circus.

Overseas he’s entertained audiences at festivals and on the street in Europe and UK. As a rigger he has worked extensively on events, ranging from outdoor festivals to arena rock concerts.

Pascal is also a trained luthier who also adapts his skills to prop and set building, creating the set for Berlin Burlesque in all its seasons. You’ll see Pascal backstage creating costumes, props, fixing the set, rigging or perhaps finding time to rehearse various on-stage skill sets such as fire, aerials, unicycle or acrobatics.

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